AG Spec tractor takes golf course work in its stride
The two championship golf courses at Surrey's Walton Heath Golf Club have benefited this autumn from an intensive deep-tine aeration programme spearheaded by the club's new MF 5425 tractor powering a 2.6m Wiedenmann Terra-Spike XP10 aerator.
Described by course manager, Ian McMillan, as a "proper tractor", the 86hp MF 5425 is one of four models in Massey Ferguson's 5400 range which is topped by the 112hp MF 5455. The MF 5425 tractor was selected as being ideal for Walton Heath's deep aeration and materials movement requirements following comparative demonstrations of similarly-powered competitive models.
"We wanted a tractor that could comfortably handle and operate the Terra-Spike without stress or strain while producing a stable, vibration-free ride for the operator," explained Ian. "Because it was designed initially for use in agriculture, the Massey's abilities stood out during the demonstration. Although it is considerably more substantial than tractors built originally with grounds maintenance in mind, the fitting of suitable wide-profile turf tyres means it can work on virtually all of our turf areas without marking or compacting the ground."
Having secured favourable comments from all of Walton Heath's staff who might drive the tractor, Ian said that the clincher in winning the order for local MF dealer, Sendmarsh Tractors, came from the club's workshop technician, Graham Goldup.
"Graham is a long-standing Massey Ferguson enthusiast and uses an MF 65 tractor from the early 1960s to compete in ploughing matches across the south-east of England," said Ian. "Having taken a close look around, within and beneath the tractor, Graham emerged smiling and I knew then that the MF 5425 could be the only tractor for the club. I am delighted to say that its performance has been faultless from the day it was delivered and we are looking forward to many years of great service from what is proving to be a very good golf course tractor indeed."