Reminder-Amenity Forum Conference -4th November

Press Releasein Local Authority

amenityforumlogo.jpgThis year we are encouraging everyone with an interest in the Amenity Sector to make a special effort to attend. The event co-incides with Government consultation on the new Directives relating to both pesticides and water.

These Directives will be converted into legislation and it is VITAL that the amenity sector not only understands the implications but also expresses its views and demonstrates its commitment to responsible use. We need to ensure that those involved in policy change recognise the importance of our sector.

Within the conference programme will be presentations on the implications and then importantly two facilitated group sessions when we can collect YOUR views and comments. The Amenity Forum is working closely with officials and seeks to fully represent your views to ensure any change is workable and still allows the sector to deliver its important work.

These days diaries are always busy but can you please make a note of this date now and do your very best to attend. With sponsorship, for which we are very grateful, we have managed to keep the cost of attendance to £39.50. Please book now in the way shown on the attached booking form.

Please Contact The Northern Amenity Forum to confirm attendance or contact Gary Harland on

Amenity Forum Conference -4th November

CPD Points available for this event :

BASIS Professional Register - 5 points
NRoSo - 4 points

Programme for the day

09.30-10.00 Registration and Coffee

10.00 Welcome and Introduction John Moverley, Chairman - Amenity Forum

10.05-10.30 Pesticides Legislation: What the Sustainable Use Directive means for the Amenity Sector Adrian Dixon, Pesticides Environment Policy Branch, Chemicals Regulation Directorate, HSE

10.30-11.00 The Water Framework Directive:An Environment Agency update for the Amenity Sector Jo Kennedy, Environment Agency

11.00-11.45 Group Discussions - the response of the sector to the Directives

11.45-12.10 Continuous Professional Development: Training Paul Singleton; BASIS

12.10-12.30 The Northern Local Authority Amenity Forum: How it began; where it is now Mark Dempsey; Calderdale MBC.

12.30-13.30 BUFFET LUNCH

13.30-14.0014.00-14.25 Integrated Pest Management in Sports TurfBest practice and alternative options - costs and benefits Dr. Ruth Mann; STRI.Dr. Neil Hipps.

14.25-15.10 Group Discussions - the response of the sector to the Directives

15.10-15.40 Equipment technology: sprayers and nozzles tbc

15.40- 16.00 Invasive weeds: Japanese knotweed stem injection David Wain, Doncaster MBC.

16.00-16.25 Report back of key points arising from group sessions John Moverley, Amenity Forum &Grant Stark, CRD.

16.30 Close

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Local authority