Aqua-Aid Europe announces launch of UK distribution network
AQUA-AID EUROPE is proud to announce its first ever appearance at the BIGGA/BTME show held from 19-21 January in Harrogate, United Kingdom. This coincides with the announcement of the opening of its UK distribution network in 2016.

AQUA-AID Europe offers high-end solutions for turf specialists in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and offers and a full line of surfactants and wetting agents for the sports turf industry as well as representing the following brands/technologies:
OARS HS / PS: AQUA-AID's patented 3D surfactant technology. This adds a new implement to the greenkeepers/ groundsmen's toolbox. Excellent control over moisture level in soil profile provides healthier soil conditions, better use of nutrients and fertilizers resulting in: more control = fewer problems = better turf = less cost.
VerdeCal: Supreme quality calcium carbonate and calcium sulphate to improve soil structure and immediate availability of Calcium in the CEC complex. Leaches Bicarbonates and salts from soil profiles and provides healthier soil conditions.
Turfscreen: Filter to protect leaves from harmful UV and infrared light; since we are not in tropical conditions, most people do not realise the stress a plant undergoes and the damage that is caused because of UV stress. When used as disease suppressor, it delivers excellent results.
WormPower: World's best available Vermicompost. Boosts microbial activity in your soil profile while consuming organic material that has been built up over years; this is a new way to get rid of thatch and stimulate maximum root growth. Also helps to condition your soil.
Hans continues "AQUA-AID Europe will organize tours around the UK in early 2016, where our product specialists will explain how these high tech products work in more detail, and what they could do for you. We will announce the exact dates and locations early in the New Year.
Our team of specialists will be on the ground in the UK and Ireland to serve your needs and help you to understand the significance and impact these exciting new technologies could have on your turf management programs.
We look forward to welcoming you to our BTME stand A15 to answer any questions you may have."
For more information on our range of products please visit the