Barenbrug at BTME 2008
Barenbrug is unveiling details of new amenity cultivars and its 'intelligent' website at BTME. The introductions are headed by a new 100 per cent fescue blend BAR 22. Containing hard, slender creeping red and Chewings fescues, BAR 22 is suitable for close mowing down to 5mm. The mixture has been developed following successful trials at Perranporth Golf Club where they were looking to achieve improved drought tolerance and winter colour in their fescue dominated greens.
Also new for 2008 is Bengal creeping bent (Agrostis stolonifera). Bengal has superior spring green-up and a high percentage live ground cover under wear and excellent drought tolerance for the species, key requirements for the UK market.
Both Bar 22 and Bengal join the established BAR range of amenity grasses in the 2008 catalogue, which will be available from the Barenbrug stand. For the first time Barenbrug is also making the catalogue available as a download from its website. This is one of many features at, the new and technically advanced website being unveiled at the show. Visitors to Stand A20 who register to receive website updates will be entered into a daily prize draw to win an iPodtouch.
The website includes a wealth of technical data including FACTfiles. Introduced originally by Barenbrug to ensure the technical data from its international and UK-based trials, breeding and research and development programmes was disseminated to those who can make best use of it, this service will also be available through the website. Introductions to the FACTfile series include cultivar profiles, germination temperature trials results and cultivar disease tolerance