Bayer promotes their new Fungicide Programme at BIGGA’s BTME event

Press Releasein Industry News

Dave Orchard demonstrationHighlighting the turf health benefits of an Integrated Disease Management (IDM) programme, Bayer told greenkeepers and groundsmen at BTME that a programmed approach is key to preserving the longer term effectiveness of fungicides.

"A successful IDM strategy includes several practices and should not simply focus on fungicides," said Bayer's Dave Orchard. "By combining Bayer's Fungicide Programme with an aeration and scarification regime, a good fertility plan and surface moisture control, turf professionals can drastically reduce the effects of disease on their turf. It will also help reduce the level of chemical needed for control."

The Bayer Fungicide Programme has been devised by the company as a means for turf professionals to achieve best long-term and year round results against turf diseases.

Dave advised that this can be achieved by incorporating brushing and switching techniques alongside a good fungicide strategy that ensures the use of different chemical groups". ."

The Bayer Fungicide Programme consists of Chipco Green® and Dedicate® which contain three different active ingredients from three different fungicide groups.

"This unique combination ensures a sustainable fungicide programme that prevents turf developing fungicide resistance whether used as a preventative or curative treatment" explained Dave Orchard.

"Chipco Green® is a bestselling contact turf fungicide in the UK due to its versatility. It has preventative, curative and early eradicant properties and can be used all year round. Chipco Green's special formulation technology is also rainfast within one hour of application and has dew switching properties which reduces the need for switching on turf up to two weeks after application.

"Dedicate is Bayer's newest fungicide," continued Dave. "It has both a contact and systemic mode of action which offers long-term preventative and early curative control of turf disease. Like Chipco Green, Dedicate can also be used all year round and is also rainfast in one hour."

As well as having the opportunity to speak to individuals from Bayer about turf maintenance programmes, visitors to Bayer's stand were also given a free weed, pest and disease wall chart which clearly displays both turf weeds and turf diseases, alongside which are suggested methods and products for combating each one. Three lucky individuals also had the chance to win an iPad 2 on each of the days of the event simply by answering three questions correctly relating to Bayer's Fungicide Programme.

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