Be Pitch Perfect with SCH

Carey Hammondin Machinery & Mechanics

SCH Supplies recommends the Triangular Brush to carry out routine maintenance on artificial playing surfaces and natural grass, keeping it in top condition. The brush features a double-width brush at the back and significant strong steelwork that wraps around and secures the brushes.

The Triangular Brush (Ref: TMB2) has a working width of 60". The machine gives artificial and natural grass areas that vital 'scratch' in between major services.

The brush enables groundskeepers to prepare and maintain the pitch to a high standard in very little time.

A weight tray is incorporated in the design so that top weight may be added to aid penetration on heavily compacted surfaces. This tray is also extremely useful for the transportation of tools and equipment.

When in operation, the brush is dragged by a chain attached to the towing vehicle. The wheels on the brush's upper side make transporting it to the storage area easy. Simply turn the brush onto the wheels. A removable clevis hitch is used during transportation to give the brush stability.

Once the brushing maintenance has been completed, the play area will be ready for many hours of hard use, with enviable stripes across the pitch.

Products have always been designed and manufactured with a specific purpose to provide robust machinery and equipment to people who want the best.

The dedicated spare parts team will help ensure the life of the machine year after year. The triangular brush is part of their artificial and natural grass surface maintenance systems. They have a range of handheld and towed rakes, brushes and drag mats, all of which can be found on the website or in the brochure.

SCH manufactures over 250 high-quality British-built estate and garden care machines. For a free 80 page brochure featuring all the designs and variations, contact SCH on 01473 328272, email, or visit their website to find out more

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Machinery & mechanics