CABADEX* hits out on speedwell

Press Releasein Industry News

speedwell.jpgAs the weather is warming up, the grass and inevitable weeds are growing apace so now is the time to get effective weed control programmes underway. But what about those problem weeds that just don't seem to want to succumb to control?

"Groundsmen, greenkeepers and lawn care operators will know how difficult it is to get effective control of slender speedwell for example," says Mr Mark De'Ath, Operations Director for Headland Amenity. "Most herbicide treatments will do a good job on the weeds present in the turf but more often than not you will find that the speedwell is left, which then proliferates and dominates the sward."

"We knew that CABADEX was demonstrating good control of slender speedwell and were able to provide some good trials data for Dow AgroSciences to get approval for the weed to be added to the product label," advises Mark. "We have also had some very good feedback from customers so that we know that it does work in a range of turfgrass areas."

CABADEX, which contains both florasulam and fluroxypyr, is one of the latest generation of selective herbicides and is also effective at controlling yarrow, daisy, lesser trefoil and yellow suckling clover. It acts by entering the plant via the leaf and root system, giving a double whammy to the weed and providing more effective control. And as CABADEX contains low rates of the active ingredients there are advantages in application and storage.

"Speedwell is a showy weed and if this is a particular problem in turf then greenkeepers, groundsmen and lawn care operators would be well advised to spray CABADEX now at a rate of 2litres per hectare for a weed-free summer," recommends Mark.

For further information call: Mark De'Ath, Operations Director, Headland Amenity Limited Tel: 01223 597834 Mobile: 0777 426 3557 Email:

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