Children’s coaching session celebrates local firm’s gift for school sport
The Cricket Foundation, an independent registered charity, launched Chance to shine in May 2005 when fewer than ten per cent of state schools in England and Wales had competitive cricket programmes.
It is a ten-year campaign to regenerate cricket competitive cricket in the state sector. By 2015 it will have set up sustainable cricket programmes in a third of state schools in England and Wales and introduced more than two million children to the sport.
The Cricket Foundation is raising £25m from the private sector with the government pledged to match fund every pound.
Chance to shine works through the England and Wales Cricket Board's Focus clubs. Each club coaches four primary and two secondary schools. Each school receives 50 hours of coaching in the summer term. Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, is President of the Chance to shine appeal and England bowler Matthew Hoggard is the leading ambassador.
Tildenet Ltd are based in Bristol and have been supplying Cricket equipment since 1975. They have worked with local school and clubs as well as County Cricket Clubs.