Cold snap could see Pars lose £30,000

Press Releasein Football

Dunfermline could be up to £30,000 out of pocket after their match was cancelled on Saturday when groundsmen were caught out by a sudden cold snap.

The forecast on Christmas Day indicated that the game would be given the all clear, but when a frost came in on Boxing night staff feared the worst.

Chairman John Yorkston (pictured) said, "We have a set procedure for every game and the cold weather was simply not predicted.

"By the time our groundsmen realised it was going to be worse than expected it was too late to turn the undersoil heating on.

"It is just one of those things and I would like to extend my apologies to all those who were disappointed."

Dunfermline's undersoil heating needs to be on for around two days prior to a game and can cost up to £3000 to run.

Fans who had booked hospitality on Saturday still received it and the club are making arrangements for the rescheduled game tomorrow night.

Yorkston added, "It is very disappointing because we now have to pay twice for all staff, police and stewards."

Source:-The Courier

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