First drought order for 11 years

Editorin Industry News

First drought order for 11 years

By Editor

The first drought order to be granted in England and Wales since 1995 will ban the non-essential use of water. Under the six-month order, Sutton and East Surrey Water can ban car washing, the filling of swimming pools and watering of parks and sports grounds.

The company supplies water to 265,000 properties in East Surrey, West Sussex, West Kent and South London.

A number of sports clubs and turf growers had objected to a non essential water ban, however, after consideration their appeals were turned down.

It will be interesting to see which other authorities will impose further bans and what the consequences will be on our Sports Turf Industry.

See Link for full story Sutton and East Surrey Water Ban

Also you can read the actual drought order on the following link:- Drought Order

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