Flood Relief
Help is at hand for Groundsmen and Greenkeepers with waterlogged pitches and golf courses.
If underlying compaction is preventing drainage, one-metre deep compressed air aeration can break through the compaction pan and relieve the situation almost instantly. Lynda Green of Terrain Aeration says the company has been called to numerous clubs over the years where surface water has stopped play.
"Last year Abbeydale Cricket Club in Sheffield called at the start of the season to say that their pitch was un-playable. Although we usually avoid treatment in the playing season, we had to treat this as an emergency, as all games were cancelled," she remembers. "We arrived with our Airforce Terralift machine to find the pitch under water. After treating the entire pitch the water disappeared and they played the next day. As long as the ground is not too saturated we can treat pitches and golf courses at any time."
If flooding has caused oil or diesel contamination, Terrain Aeration's one-metre soil coring service can pin point the depth of the problem and the company can then inject oil-digesting bugs, providing a simple, eco-friendly solution.
Terrain Aeration treats every contract individually with full consideration for the unique circumstances in which the Groundsman or Greenkeeper finds him/her self. Contact Lynda on Tel: 01449 673783 to discuss your particular problem.