Getting Personal with Phil Worth
Phil Worth - we all want to know his most embarrassing moment!

Who are you? Phil Worth, Head Greenkeeper at Macclesfield Golf Club. Age 34.
Family status. Newly in a relationship with a beautiful Tinder goddess.
Who's your hero and why? Being a huge Man City fan, I'd have to say Sergio Aguero ... especially after his goal to win the league in 2012.
What's been the highlight of your grounds career so far? Working in Australia and New Zalamd for two years at a number of world-class venues. Also recently achieving my goal becoming a Head Greenkeeper.
If your younger self saw you now, what would he think? Good progress to date and very proud of my achievements.
Which famous people wind you up? Quite a few to be honest, but most recently Donald bloody Trump!
What job would you love, other than your own? A professional footballer.
What was the most embarrassing moment in your life? Not printable ... it's far too embarrassing.
What is your favourite film? I love all Bond Films and anything with Denzel Washington.
What scares you? Leatherjackets.
What would your autobiography be called… and who would play you in the film? 'For What It's Worth' played by Sacha Baron Cohen.
What would you cast into Room 101? Teenagers that have Friday night BBQs on our 17th green!
Which historical time and place would you most like to visit? The moon landing.
Which three people, living or dead, would you invite to a dinner party? Karl Pilkington, Liam Gallagher and Jennifer Aniston.
Do you have a lifetime ambition? To be happy and healthy and fulfilled by my achievements. I've also always wanted to go and watch The Masters at Augusta and run a Marathon.
What's the best advice you have ever been given? Be true to yourself and never give up.
What's your favourite smell? A BBQ on a hot summer's day, bacon and also the first cut of the year before the hayfever kicks in and ruins the moment!
Which three albums would you take to a desert island? Oasis (Definitely Maybe), The Verve (Urban Hymns) and The Stone Roses (The Stone Roses).
What's the daftest work-related question you have ever been asked? I was once asked by a past colleague, "Why is this mower not cutting?" when out hand mowing tees, only to realise he'd not taken his wheels off!!!
What's your favourite piece of kit? Toro ProCore 648.
What three words would you use to describe yourself? Ambitious, perfectionist and driven.
What is the single most useful thing you could tell a 16-year-old greenkeeper? Be prepared to work hard and believe in yourself and you will achieve your goals.
What law/legislation would you like to see introduced? I would like to see a more consistent payment structure to reduce the disparity across the industry and also increase Apprentice wages to tempt more younger people into greenkeeping.