Make savings this spring with Toro MVP kits

Toro's MVP kits are designed with specific maintenance and repair issues in mind, allowing turf professionals to be as productive as possible while stretching that all-important budget further.
Toro MVP kits are a prudent investment at any time, but whether the tough times are behind us or not, these must-have handy packs save up to 20 percent compared to buying the individual parts as and when maintenance is required.
Conveniently packaged into special kits for over 100 maintenance issues like overhauling cutting units, replacing hydraulic hoses and rebuilding rollers, MVP kits provide all the genuine Toro parts needed to quickly get your turfcare machinery and equipment working again.
They also provide instructions on when to carry out the job depending on the model and number of hours of use to avoid that easy temptation to run your turf equipment harder and longer without proper maintenance.
Phil Bowen, distributor Lely's Toro parts manager, comments: "MVP kits are handy to have all the time, but especially so in the spring. Winter work can take its toll on machines and summer is the busiest time for our customers.
Spring provides that welcome opportunity to make sure all routine maintenance is carried out and inconvenient and costly downtime in summer is avoided.
Stocking up on MVP kits will make sure you get ahead of the competition and keep your machinery performing consistently and constantly without the risk of extended downtime."
For more information contact distributor Lely UK's Toro parts department on 01480 226870, email or visit