New blending and bagging service for turf amendment

Dave Saltmanin Industry News
baggingplant-1.jpg Bespoke Blending and Bagging (BBB) launched this January at BTME, is the first customised service for precision blended top dressings, rootzone and soil amendments in the fine turf sector.

BBB has its own blending and bagging plant which uses state-of-the-art equipment to produce any mix of product in a variety of particle sizes specifically for the requirements of individual greenkeepers, agronomists, soil amendment and turf maintenance specialists. The plant's sophistication is such that no ingredient is too small, there is no particle abrasion and no contaminants can get into the mix.

Greenkeepers can order a specific top dressing to suit their own turf's requirements, incorporating sand with zeolites, ceramic clays, diatomaceous earth and their preferred range of macro and micronutrients. All ingredients are precisely measured to produce a uniform blend which is easily replicable. Blends are automatically bagged into 20kg, 25kg or 1000 kg bags, palletised and shrinkwrapped for easy transport anywhere in the country or Europe. Customers can use their own printed bags if desired and will receive a specification sheetbaggingplant-3.jpg confirming ingredients for easy replication.

BBB is run by sports turf specialist Ecosolve Ltd, which understands fine turf's needs and the importance of a reliable, flexible service. Bretton King, Ecosolve MD says, "now, greenkeepers and their advisers can order any blend of top dressing or rootzone that has been recommended and formulated for their own turf and leave the rest to BBB. We can also offer impartial advice and customised top-dressing solutions."

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