Nottingham CC help Notts County

Press Releasein Cricket

Nottingham Cricket Club has today responded to a call for help from Stadium Manager Greg Smith to get Notts County's pitch in order for tomorrow's home game with Barnet.

Large amounts of surface water were scattered across the Meadow Lane surface this morning following snow and rain overnight.

Due to the close relationship with the groundstaff at Trent Bridge they were only too willing to give Greg and Head Groundsman Trevor Hutchinson a helping hand today in removing the surface water.

Said Trevor: "The Cricket Club have been fantastic; we would like to go on record with our thanks for their help.

"They've allowed us to use their 'Blotter' machine which sucks up all the surface water and disposes of it.

"You wouldn't believe how helpful that has been to us. There was a lot of surface water when we arrived this morning which is understandable given the amount of snow we had last week.

"They're currently working their way across the pitch and given the drop in temperatures overnight we will be covering the pitch just to be sure."

Greg added: "It's heartening that the clubs can pull together at times like this. We have a good relationship with the boys over at Trent Bridge and they've certainly made life a little bit easier for us."

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