Patchings Patch

Tony Patchingin Bowls

Patchings Patch

By Tony Patching (Worthing DSO)


This is the month that the work really begins on the greens. I have already managed to roll my greens. I like to give them a light roll prior to carrying out any scarifying or top dressing. If you haven't carried out any rolling due to the weather conditions think about it this month, go at least two ways corner to corner.

If moss has been a problem I use Lawn sand at a rate of 140grms/metre square. I apply it on a dry day while the dew is still on the grass and then leave it for 48 hours before watering it in. If you do not have a moss problem then reduce the rate to 70grms/metre square to give the green a tonic after the winter without causing any problems of disease.

Mowing will need to be increased this month setting your blades at 8mm and then reducing them gradually to 5mm by the end of April. Try to scarify at least twice using thatch control reels on your machine. Again remember that the operation is from corner to corner and try a minimum of two different directions.

If you are applying topdressing this month do so after scarifying and work the dressing into the surface, a maximum of two tonnes per green should be enough.

If, like me, you're green suffers from dry patch it is best to apply a wetting agent in April while there is still plenty of moisture in the green and while the surface of the green is still open after the winter spiking. Make sure that you use the product evenly so as not to create new dry patches.

Continue to spike the green using solid spikes only. Do not use slits as they will open up in the dries weather.

Check all the equipment and irrigation systems this month and finish any servicing and painting of machinery ready for the season onslaught.

Good luck,


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