Pesticide Forum Annual Report 2017 is now available

HSEin Chemicals & Fertilisers

The Health & Safety Executive's (HSE) Pesticides in the UK: The 2017 report on the impacts and sustainable use of pesticides is now available to download as an interactive PDF file via this link.

The report combines the Forum's annual and indicators reports. It outlines progress made with activities promoting the sustainable use of pesticides, and identifies issues needing further monitoring or work.

This report also gives an overview of the range of subjects covered by the work of the Pesticides Forum in 2017. Its structure reflects the format of the EU Directive on the sustainable use of pesticides (2009/128/EC).

The indicators in this report suggest that pesticides are being used in an increasingly sustainable fashion as a result of government, industry and other bodies working collaboratively.

The Amenity Forum welcomes the Report and continues to promote best practice and chairman John Moverley says that the year the Forum has seen further increases in achievements against targets set in the UK National Action Plan.