Trencher Hire UK service praised by charity CEO
A vital new conservation project called the Horstmann Trust has been launched in the unlikely location of South Wales to help preserve some of the world's most endangered species of vultures, many of which are found in Europe, Africa and Asia.

The charity's CEO Adam Bloch is a passionate conservationist, who is clearly concerned not just about the plight of vultures, but the ever-increasing number of animals joining the endangered species list across the globe, as their habitat is destroyed by man and the effects of climate change become ever more evident.
Trencher Hire UK has played a small but important role in the installation of welded steel fences within the site. Trencher Hire UK supplied a Vermeer RTX-250 on a week-long contract, but Adam said the machine was so efficient and easy to operate that the work was completed in just three days.
He commented: "We dug slots to a depth of 900mm to make sure that animals couldn't dig under the welded steel fencing we were installing. The trencher made short work of this and backfilling was quick and easy. If we had tried to do the work with a digger, it would have created a whole lot of mess and incurred a lot of time making good afterwards.
"Trencher Hire were really helpful and I couldn't fault the service. They turned-up at the allotted time, explained how to use the machine and the unit itself was excellent."
The work of the Horstmann Trust is to develop an ongoing breeding programme with the primary focus on hooded, Egyptian and bearded vultures, as well as the Andean Condor. Adam commented: "There are 23 species of vultures around the world, with the majority facing rapidly falling populations and some facing extinction. We are creating a strong, genetically diverse captive population with some of our birds going on to be released back into the wild, whilst others will be given to other conservation organisations working together in these breeding programmes.

"We have to look to the future and our programme has to be a very long-term one. Many of the vulture species lay just a single egg each breeding season, so producing young can be slow. Condors can live up to 80 years in captivity and don't reach sexual maturity until they are at least 6-8 years old but, in some cases, can be much longer!"
He is supported in his work by Holly Cale, who is Curator and Head of Research, along with a small number of staff and volunteers.
If you would like to make a donation to support the work of the Horstmann Trust you can contact Adam via email:
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