Trilo UK, we can make your job easier

Press Releasein Parks

SG670Trilo (UK) Ltd will be releasing the new SG670, vacuum sweeper at saltex 2008. It has a 250mm hose and 2 metre brush head with huge suction power and is built to the same high quality and with many of the features come to be expected from a Trilo.

As the Progressive mower importer for the UK, Trilo (UK) Ltd will have on show for the first time, the new generation roller mowers. Capable of following undulations whilst leaving a perfect cut, it must be seen to be believed. On top of that we will have the latest Pro-flex mower on show.

Following the success of the TRILO blowers, especially the BL960 (the biggest on the market) we will have the BL740 blower for 35hp tractors and a new BL400 (25hp, 85db) for front mount units such as the JD1445. We will have the SU60 truck loader with even more suction power than the renowned SU40b and it comes with various options incl. different hose sizes etc.

We will of course, have our most popular machines, in the extensive range of the world leading TRILO vacuum sweepers for you to look at and in some cases, see at work. Information on the Green Clipper mower range will be available on the stand. Come and see how we can make your job easier!

Quality Always Pays!

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