Trimax a hit at German Open Day
With a number of branches throughout Germany, Stavermann is a brand associated with quality and reliability. The company's open days were attended by industry professionals from across Germany wanting to catch a glimpse of the newest machines on the market.
Trimax continues to gather recognition in the European markets and the company's invitation to attend the open day in Germany is testament to its ever growing presence. Held in Wallenhorst Germany, on 18th and 19th March, the two days saw over 500 visitors from the golf and local authorities sectors in attendance.
Visitors to the Trimax stand had the chance to receive an in-depth look at the Flaildek, Snake and Striker; which proved to be extremely popular with many professionals commenting on the cut quality in particular, as well as talking to knowledgeable staff.
The Trimax FlailDek gathered interest amongst those looking for a high performance alternative to the standard factory-fitted rotary mowing attachments, whilst the Striker demonstrated why it is perfect for areas where presentation is vital. The Snake, which was launched last year, also showed why it is becoming the number one choice for those looking for an all-round top performing rotary mower.
For more information, please contact Trimax Mowing Systems on 01933 652235 or visit