Turf In perfect Harmony with Charterhouse

The Soil Harmony division will use specially formulated biodynamic materials to invigorate the rootzone, in conjunction with the use of the renowned Verti-Drain turf aerators, which are distributed by Charterhouse throughout the UK.
"The synergy is obvious," says Charterhouse Managing Director Philip Threadgold. "Working together, Charterhouse and Soil Harmony will use environmentally friendly solutions to enhance the mineral and biological profile of the soil. This follows on logically from the improvements to the physical structure of the rootzone that turf professionals achieve by using our Verti-Drain machines."
Soil Harmony is headed up by Agronomist Mark Atkins, whose multi-disciplined role will include consultancy and sales operations. "Grounds maintenance professionals are keenly aware of the need for ecologically friendly methods and sound 'green credentials'," he says. "Soil Harmony undertakes professional nutrient balancing for harmonious soil life - the natural way."
The company is initially offering golf courses and sports grounds a completely free soil health check and will recommend appropriate treatments accordingly.

Systematic use of Soil Harmony treatments helps to achieve a holistic, sustainable rootzone profile, with integrated pest management. This encourages healthy and vigorous turf that is free from stress, uniform in colour and more tolerant to drought.
One of the first organic solutions being introduced by the new Soil Harmony division is Orbis, a formulation of organic carbons complexed with an array of nutrients to balance soil fungi and microbial communities. Orbis is a useful resource for the management of fairy rings in turf grass, which are a common and challenging problem experienced on all sports surfaces. Soil Harmony is so confident in the capability of Orbis that it is offering an enhanced money-back guarantee.
"We are expecting huge demand for Soil Harmony's services," says Mark Atkins. "Our biodynamic treatments are completely environmentally friendly, sustainable, economical and safe so turf professionals can use them without risk. They will also enable even greater benefits to be obtained from using the Verti-Drain."
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