Turfmech's New Greens Sweepers Head for Scotsturf
The new SQRL walk-behind greens sweeper and the CAT 800 ride-on core collector will form the centrepiece of Turfmech's Scotsturf exhibit.
Developed by Turfmech to improve the speed and efficiency of collecting and removing hollow cores and scarified material from fine turf surfaces, both machines have a fully-floating rotary brush/paddle collection head designed to follow turf contours closely for successful one-pass clean-up operations in all conditions, wet or dry. They also incorporate an hydraulically-raised high-dump hopper so that collected material can be emptied swiftly into a work truck, pick-up or trailer.
Also making its Scotsturf debut will be the new RangeRunner fully-automated GPS-controlled golf ball collector designed for unmanned use on golf ranges and practice grounds.
Attached image shows the CAT 800 ride-on core collector in action.