Twenty Questions with Keith Porter

Editorin People

KeithPorter2Keith Porter - A highly motivated workaholic - although his wife might not agree with that analogy!

Who are you? Keith Porter, Head Groundsman at Leigh Sports Village.

Family status? Married to Julie, with two grown up lads, Martin 28 and Matthew 22.

Who's your hero and why? Family. They are always there no matter what.

What is your dream holiday? Relaxing in the Caribbean.

What annoys you the most? Superiors that who believe they are Groundstaff - NOT!!

What would you change about yourself? I'd be less stubborn.

Who wouldn't you like to be? Colonel Gadaffi, wasn't much to look forward to there. Or to have been Bin Laden staring down the barrel of a Navy Seal - scary.

Favourite record, and why? Anything relaxing.

Who would you choose to spend a romantic evening with? Cheryl Cole, but, somehow, I don't think that will happen, so the wife.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Install an irrigation system at Altrincham FC, a club that is close to my heart through an association with it over the last ten years.

If you were to describe yourself as a musical instrument, what would you be and why? A Drum - as I am always banging on.

What's the best advice you have ever been given? "If you lie on your arse you will die on your arse." Mr Dave Whelan, Chairman Wigan Athletic Football Club, who I have a great respect for because of the way he looked after me and my family in my time at Wigan Athletic - great bloke, and those words have stuck with me ever since.

What's your favourite smell? Curry from the Baby Elephant Indian restaurant in Gathurst, Wigan.

What do you do in your spare time? Train gundogs.

What is the daftest work related question you have ever been asked? A couple of weeks ago, a steward at LSV asked what I had done to the grass outside of the tunnel, as it was looking superb and lush green - it's artificial! Also, the daftest I have heard was a member of the office staff at LSV asking the maintenance team how you tie a cable tie.

What's your favourite piece of kit? Charterhouse Verti-Drain.

What three words would you use to describe yourself? Highly motivated, workaholic - grumpy and bald the wife would say!

What talent would you like to have? To be able to predict the future.

What makes you angry? How long have you got? Mainly the inadequate people who run the country, along with the greedy gas and electrical suppliers.

What law/legislation would you like to see introduced? Blade boots banned - they are a death sentence to grass.

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