University of Sheffield demonstrates commitment to Groundstaff training

Peter Driverin Industry News

CET Sheff Uni 0052.jpgThe University of Sheffield has recently demonstrated its commitment to operator training, putting members of its grounds staff through training courses provided by Cutting Edge Training, the independent training division of turf equipment manufacturer Ransomes Jacobsen, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company.

Operator training has become an important issue in the grounds care industry since the advent of PUWER '98 (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations). These regulations stipulate that any person operating self propelled equipment must be fully trained in its safe operation.

Adrian Hankin, Head Groundsman at the University commented, "We are a responsible employer and it is important that we train and refresh our staff in all aspects of health and safety relating to mowing equipment. The training was excellent and not only did everyone take something of value away from the various courses, they also received nationally-recognised City & Guilds NPTC certificates."

Cutting Edge Training Manager Jason King said, "Organisations are recognising the importance of PUWER '98 and the implications of non-compliance. As a company we have made a significant investment in our City & Guilds NPTC trainers and assessors so that they can deliver relevant and appropriate training which will result in safer working for end-users of turf maintenance equipment."

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