Unsung Heroes show outstanding commitment

Carol Duttonin Industry News

harrogate 2010 085.jpgTerrain Aeration's latest Unsung Heroes, Keri Jarman, Deputy Head Groundsman at Moor Park, and Hugh Murray, Head Greenkeeper at Bridgwater College have both been awarded at BTME for outstanding commitment to the industry.

Keri Jarman, nominated by Stuart Bertram, Course Manager of Moor Park Golf Course, took only four days leave (although he was entitled to more) having tragically lost both parents to illness, in quick succession. Left with his disabled brother to care for while continuing to work full time, Keri finally made the difficult decision to put him into a home. He then slipped on ice and broke his leg but, despite being in plaster, hobbled in to work to check that all was well.

Hugh Murray, nominated by Will Bowden, Programme Manager Sports Turf at Bridgwater College, has spent 15 years not only maintaining Cannington golf course to a high standard but also instructing hundreds of students who have come through the college.

Steve Gingell of the STRI spoke on behalf of his fellow judges Billy McMillan (BIGGA) and Derek Walder (IOG) when he said that Hugh's passion and enthusiasm for the job had made him a tireless ambassador for the turf profession, while Keri's unflagging commitment and dedication was unprecedented. "These two exceptional individuals are deserving winners," he said.

Keri and Hugh received a cheque of £200 each from sponsors Pitchcare and the English Golf Union, as well as a framed certificate and a further cheque from Terrain Aeration.

Image (l to r): John Richards (Pitchcare), Lynda Green (Terrain Aeration), Keri Jarman (Moor Park GC), David Green (Terrain Aeration), Hugh Murray (Bridgwater College), Trevor Williams ((EGU) and Steve Gingell (STRI).

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