Well-groomed greens
Well-groomed greens are on every greenkeeper's wish list, providing the optimum playing surface for an increasingly discerning membership while promoting robust, healthy turf.

Traditionally, verticutting has been the solution to remove organic debris, but John suggests that the 10mm spacing of a verticut reel is more suited for older; less dense green swards. The unabated reduction in cutting height over the past 10 -15 years has resulted in a finer leafed grass and a denser surface. In essence greenkeepers have unwittingly been producing finer and denser cultivars of Poa which have outpaced traditional maintenance machine technology - conventional verticutters no longer maintain greens at the standard demanded.
Conventional verticutters are best suited to removing the build-up of organic matter rather than preventing it. During the time between successive verticutting routines, the sward can become puffy, leading to thatch development. It is during this 'puffy' phase that the green surface 'footprints'. Cutting at low heights of cut when greens are in this state will also result in scalping, further stressing the plant.
"The sward is also subjected to considerable stress by aggressive intermittent verticutting, which can weaken it. After a week or so it comes back and is fine for another week, but then you have to start the whole process again. It is hard to provide a consistent playing surface under those circumstances," he says.
Treatment with the Ultragroomer every week to 10 days minimises the phased management effect, using thin tipped blades at 5mm spacings. "More blade surface area is in contact with the turf, and it is working at a shallower depth, so stress on the plant is reduced," John explains. "It can prevent excessive organic material developing, making for a more consistent green over the course of the season."
There are other benefits too - it can be difficult to get sand dressings into the tight swards, but the Ultragroomer makes 'space' for the sand, which John suggests should be applied in a light dusting after grooming and before a pass with a vibratory roller, also available as part of the ATT TM SystemTM.
On other varieties of grass on greens such as creeping bent and fescue, Poa annua invasion can be a major headache for greenkeepers. The Ultragroomer can help to control this by grabbing and pulling out the seedheads, minimising seeding. It can also take out Poa plants by their shallow roots, while leaving the finer rooted Bents intact. "Integration of Poa into creeping bents can be significantly limited with the Ultragroomer," comments John. "It also works well in the management of bents themselves - while Gibberelic acid inhibitor growth regulators are useful to encourage lateral growth, they can lead to too much density, so the Ultragroomer can be employed alongside them to manipulate density to the required degree. It is more effective than verticutting for this purpose."

John Coleman adds that the Ultragroomer is a key part of a complete regime of good surface management. "Keep on top of nutrition and growth regulators, plus regular use of the UItragroomer for the best possible results on greens," he says.
For more information, visit www.advancedtt.com.