Are you involved in amenity management?
The Amenity Forum is currently running its very popular series of Updating Events across the UK. One of these is to be held at Arsenal's Football Ground on March 9th and will contain important briefing information on topical issues as well as forthcoming policy change. As well as being events to receive information, they also act as opportunities for those attending to contribute their views and influence matters.
The full programme of events two of which have already run, together with individual host organisation is provided at the end of this release. So if you are involved in, or have an interest in, the amenity sector, please contact Kate at to book your place. Whilst free events, you do need to book your place with Kate, in advance. On registration, you will be sent a full copy of the programme for your event and location details or sign in links for the online ones.
In terms of weed, pest and disease management, significant policy change is afoot. With our withdrawal from the EU, new regulations are emerging regarding the approval and use of plant protection products. In addition, a new UK National Action Plan is soon to be issued setting out the requirements going forward. We already know that this will have a major focus on integrated management approaches and greater enforcement and standards. Then there is the implementation of the Official Controls (Plant Protection Products) Regulations 2020 (OCR). This has already legally required all suppliers of plant protection products (PPPs) to register their locations and stock carried. From June 2022, such a legal responsibility will also apply to all users of PPPs backed up by increased inspection and enforcement.
Representatives from UK and national governments will be in attendance and thus the events provide excellent opportunity for you to express your views and thoughts direct to them.
William Weld from Belchim Amenity UK said ''Belchim Amenity UK are delighted to support this event as part of a series being held across the UK. These events come at an important time for the sector and it is vital that all involved are kept fully up to date''
London: 9th March Belchem Amenity UK
Throws Farm, Essex: 17th March Origin Amenity
Belfast: 23rd March NI Government
Edinburgh: 4th March Scottish Government
The Forum is very grateful to Weedfree for their support in making this series of events possible.