Bring Me Sunshine…

Press Releasein Industry News

Solar Panels on RoofAs home to the UK's largest wind turbine, the town of Lowestoft on Suffolk's East Coast has a reputation as forward-thinking when it comes to environmental concern and alternative energy. Local company Harrod UK has continued this reputation with the installation of solar panels on its new Horticultural warehouse extension.

9.9kw of solar photovoltaic cells have been installed on the roof of the company's 10,000 sqft extension, spread across four rows of eleven modules. The cells will generate almost 10% of the company's overall energy usage, and additional panels are already being planned for installation in early 2012.

Harrod UK's Health, Safety & Environment Officer Andy Mason was closely involved with the project from the early stages, and explains "It was very exciting to see the panels going in to place. The project has taken a lot of planning and it was great to watch it come to fruition". The panels were installed by Dabbrook Services Ltd of Great Yarmouth, solar photovoltaic specialists for over fifteen years.

VC Cooke Environment AwardHarrod UK's environmental efforts have achieved additional recognition recently with recycling and waste disposal company V.C. Cooke Ltd naming them recipients of their Environmental Award for 2010. Waveney MP Peter Aldous presented the award to Manufacturing Director David Bowling, with V.C Cooke commenting that "Harrod UK are worthy winners of this award for their positive approach to the disposal of their waste".

Harrod UK are the UK's leading manufacturer of sports equipment whose goals can be found at prestigious venues across the world, including Wembley Stadium. They operate from the Lowestoft site alongside sister company Harrod Horticultural who supply high quality gardening products via mail order, showcased at RHS gardens such as Wisley and Harlow Carr.

Images: The photovoltaic panels on Harrod UK's warehouse roof in Lowestoft, Suffolk; Waveney MP Peter Aldous presents the award to Harrod UK's David Bowling (L-R)

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