Charterhouse School - Ultra impressed!
Former Southampton FC Head Groundsman Dave Roberts, maintains the highest of standards and sporting tradition of the impressive site. When Dave contacted Ultra Soil Solutions to seek help with some soil and nutritional issues, we were only to pleased to help.
The demand for quality and performance, presents Dave and his team with many challenges. To meet these challenges, Dave is extremely focused on ensuring no angle is missed. His attention to detail and focus on every element of sports surface preparation, reflects his experience gained in years of performing at the highest level of his chosen profession. Dave is proud to remind you that, he prepares all of his playing surfaces with the same attention detail as he did when he was in charge of the St Mary's pitch!
For the last two years Dave has been using GYP-FLO liquid gypsum to compliment his nutritional programme. The newly constructed football pitch, and show case surface on his magnificent site, has benefited beyond doubt from this liquid calcium sulphate application. The flocculation of the root zone along with the beneficial release of nutrients to the plant, has given clearly visible results. With the preseason renovation of the pitch complete, the surface is looking superb.

Dave commented "We were suffering from some teething problems with the drainage on the newly constructed pitch. This lead to a lock up of nutrients and poor growing conditions. The use of GYP-FLO has been extremely beneficial for us! The flocculation of the soil structure and the unlocking of the available nutrients, has meant that we have improved the drainage as well achieving a desired level of grass growth. I see GYP-FLO as a vital part of our nutrient programme, going forward".
For more information visit or contact Andy Church on 07835 066439
Picture captions: Top: Dave Roberts / bottom: recently reconstructed main pitch