Cyren Chlorpyrifos Update

This, in effect, means turf users have until midnight on the 31st August 2015 to use or dispose of all existing stock.
This is an amendment to the approved use label changes announced on Tuesday 19th May 2015, which came into effect from midnight on Thursday 21st May 2015.
There will be no extension of sales from distributors, but it will allow end users within the Amenity sector to dispose responsibly of pre purchased product which they still have in stock.
The details of the withdrawal notice read as follows;
Date of issue: 21 May 2015
This authorisation ends:
(a) 21 May 2015 for sale, distribution and use of existing stocks for all uses; except
(b) 31 August 2015 for disposal and storage; and use only on amenity grassland and managed amenity turf, where this was previously authorised on the label.
The expiry dates of the authorisations for the plant protection products listed in the Withdrawal Table have been amended to the above dates.
This Amendment is signed by the Health and Safety Executive ('HSE') for and on behalf of the Secretary of State, the Welsh Ministers, the Scottish Ministers and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in Northern Ireland.