Greenkeeper Training to replace EGEU
Since 2009, the EGEU has been advising many Countries, in particular the new golf developing countries mainly throughout Europe, on how best to develop and maintain greenkeeper education, training and qualifications.
However as the advice and guidance requests are now extending to countries outside of Europe, the Directors have agreed to rebrand the EGEU to greenkeeper training with immediate effect.
An updated website: now hosts all of the previous information hosted on
The 3 Directors of Greenkeeper Training are: David Golding, the Greenkeepers Training Committee's (GTC) Education Director, who has the responsibility to offer best practice advice and guidance to all enquiries relating to education and training standards.
Dean Cleaver, Chief Executive of the Federation of European Golf Greenkeeping Associations (FEGGA), is charged with promoting greenkeeper training to all countries and in particular with a major focus
with Countries where there might be little or no greenkeeper education and training system.
John Holliday as the Finance Director is looking to employer bodies in countries to support the work of the Greenkeeping Associations and also to explore all funding opportunities to promote greenkeeper training.