Hadley McDermott delighted with Iseki toy tractor

Peter Driverin Industry News

Hadley 669A
Alex McDermott, head greenkeeper at Rugby Golf Club, entered a competition with Ransomes Jacobsen back in September and has won an Iseki toy tractor, much to the delight of his four-year old son, Hadley

Alex entered the competition by simply completing a short questionnaire relating to the purchase of spare parts and was one of three lucky winners from over 200 entries.

"I was really surprised when I was notified that I had won one of tractors," he said, "but the real winner is my son, Hadley; we have trouble getting him off of it when it's time for bed!"

The other winners of toy tractors were Chris Frohnsdorff of Huntswood Golf Club and Douglas Sinclair of D Sinclair Garden Services.

More information on the product offering can be found at www.ransomesjacobsen.com.

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