Imperial College upholds traditions of quality and performance

Charmian Robinsonin Industry News

Imperial College June 2009 (9).jpgSometimes sticking to what we know is not just the easy option it's the right option. It stops us changing for the sake of change and the old adage 'if it's not broke why fix it' can justifiably be employed to argue against the need for change.

For Mick Reynolds, Head Groundsman at Imperial College, London, when it came to replacing the two sets of Leda gang mowers it was more a case of "I have looked at the choices and tried a selection of fancy alternatives, but when you get down to it, the Lloyds Leda gang mowers have done their job efficiently, effectively and with so little maintenance that replacing 'like for like' is still the most obvious choice."

It is over 30 years since Imperial College purchased the original two sets of Leda gang mowers. Times have changed and the latest models may look a little different but they can still boast the same build quality, the perfect cut finish and the ease of maintenance. "The college uses the Sipson Lane Sports Ground which has a cricket and a rugby pitch." Said Mick "I tried a few other notable makes of mower, which on the face of it offered more options. But what I want is a machine that will do the job and do it well. The Leda gang mower delivers a very good finish, is easy to operate and doesn't distract you with gadgets and gimmicks. We are more than pleased with its performance."

Imperial College June 2009 (24).jpgMick replaced the two original septuple (7 x 5 blade) sets with the Leda Quintuple from Lloyds & Co of Letchworth; a gang mower outfit ideal for sports fields and other grass areas. It was supplied fitted with Leda Standard 760mm gang mowers with 6 bladed cutting cylinders. Modern technology and manufacturing techniques has improved the speed and manoeuvrability to allow this five set gang mower to equal the task performed by the earlier design of the seven set.

The two outer wings can be disconnected and the outfit used as a Trio if required. An optional frame with lifting wings can be used to aid transport along roads and through gateways and over bridges.

Photo Caption: 2 New Leda Gang mowers at Imperial College/ Alan Roden from Lloyds handing over new gang mowers to Mick Reynolds of Imperial College.

Clive Nottingham

Lloyds & Co Letchworth Ltd

Tel: 01462 683031

Fax:01462 481964



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