June 2019 Pitch Diaries

Editorin General Interest

Consistently warm soil temperatures in June create ideal conditions for fertilisers with an organic component, whether that be straight organic fertilisers or organo-mineral.

Time for renovations at Cheltenham Town

Organic sources of nutrition help to support the soil food web and manage the soil-plant system in a holistic fashion. Spring inputs of nitrogen aiming to get things going can be reduced and grass growth will naturally start to drop back as temperatures rise. In the wild the plant would have now gone through its leafy growth spurt and be diverting energy into setting flower.

Calcium is a key driver of growth for roots and shoots as it is responsible for the construction of cell walls. Calcium can become limited in dry soil so ensuring soil levels are adequate and supplementing with foliar calcium helps it to maintain good health. Calcium along with potassium are essential for regulating stomatal function, helping the plant to better react to the onset of heat and water stress.

In this month's diaries we look at the key considerations. Click here to view.

Don't forget, you can also use our Pitchcare Forum, where members can ask for and offer advice on the whole range of sports turf surfaces issues.

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General interest