New demo plots allow evaluation of grass varieties and mixtures
A new set of grass trial and demonstration plots has been sown at the STRI by seed breeder Limagrain UK.
This will provide an opportunity next year for Limagrain's distributors and their customers to evaluate the performance of MM and Designer mixtures as well as individual cultivars - both old and new - under different management regimes.
Limagrain's technical trials manager Richard Camplin explains: "This year we've sown 162 plots in all. As well as being of interest to visitors, the plots will provide us with useful information when formulating our mixtures."
The plots will be subjected to two different management regimes: a close mown trial as would be typical of golf greens and bowling greens. And a less intensive fairway/lawn trial in which grass height is maintained at 20mm.
Amongst the high performing cultivars that have been sown are Nikky - a chewings fescue, and Cyrena - a perennial ryegrass. These were new on the 2012 STRI List, and are now included in some of the MM mixtures.
Mr Camplin adds: "It's always difficult to evaluate a single grass cultivar or mixture when sown in isolation. However, the large number of plots we have sown will allow a better appreciation of the differences in colour, fineness and density between old and new varieties."
Enquiries into visiting the site next year, should be made to Limagrain's amenity product manager Matt Gresty on 07767 278335 or email: