New funding opportunity for Scottish land-based industries to invest in an apprentice
Employers in the land-based industries now have the opportunity to receive £1,000 to encourage them to invest in a new apprentice. Lantra, Sector Skills Council for environmental and land-based industries is making business aware of the funding available that is open to apprentices of all ages.
Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Michael Russell MSP, announced the offer that will benefit hard-working companies and employers in Scotland who continue to fight the effects of the recession. As the latest announcement of the 'Invest in an Apprentice' scheme, it will provide increased skills training opportunities to thousands of individuals across Scotland.
John Gillan, Managing Director of a Landscape and construction company, Premiere One (Land Services) Ltd, and Chair of Lantra's Council in Scotland, said "In these challenging economic times it is important to remain positive, and I would encourage employers in the land-based industries to take up this offer of funding, and employ an apprentice. Through work-based learning the apprentice will gain practical skills and the opportunity of employment. The employer gains a committed and skilled workforce that will contribute to the success of their enterprise through increased productivity and profitability."
The scheme is designed to help Scottish businesses survive the downturn and thrive when the economy starts to recover.
Michael Smith, Director of Policy, Research and Development, said: "Modern Apprenticeships can help ensure the sector's workforce has the skills it needs to remain competitive. Providing on-the-job training for new entrants and existing employees, Modern Apprenticeships are a great way for employers to ensure their workforce are up to the challenge now, and in the future. Lantra has a demand-led approach so Modern Apprenticeships are developed by employers, for employers, and so are focused on meeting their needs."
The £4 million scheme is available for up to 4,000 employers. It is time limited and will run on the 26th of March, reflecting views from employers and companies who say they need help now. To find out more see