New GreenCast maps track turf disease spread

Mark Sandersonin Industry News

Syngenta - GreenCast Disease map 16 Jan 2009.jpgNew developments for the web site will help turf managers proactively keep ahead of damaging turf diseases, along with new features for more effective turf management.

GreenCast, the UK's premier internet turf disease and weather forecasting service, now includes action animated maps that will track turf disease risk as it develops for any location in the UK and Ireland over the forthcoming five days. Turf managers and advisors can register now for a free trial of the new maps and other developments on

New GreenCast developments for the 2009 season include:

· New active disease maps
· Easier reporting
· New Application Zone
· New Environmental Features

The new disease maps will enable turf managers to see the pattern of disease development, and be ready to take appropriate action when the risk threatens their playing surfaces. GreenCast provides independently validated forecasts of key turf diseases including Fusarium, Anthracnose, Dollar Spot and Take All.

STRI trials have demonstrated that preventative Heritage fungicide applications based solely on GreenCast disease forecasts, when periods of high risk occurred, provided greater disease control and created better turf quality from fewer applications over the course of the season, compared to conventional routine aSyngenta - GreenCast five-day weather & disease image.jpgpplications or spraying at the first visible signs of infection.

The new GreenCast mapping forecasts also now include a prediction of grass growth potential. Turf managers can use the information to tailor nutritional inputs more accurately to turf growth, as well as timing initial applications of Primo MAXX growth regulator more precisely to get the best results in improved turf quality and reduced mowing costs.

Also, a new one page five-day Weather and Disease Summary now gives all the key turf management information on a single one-click report - including a detailed weather forecast with severe weather warnings, predictions of impending turf disease risks, soil temperatures, frost warnings and a unique five-day, hour-by-hour, forecast of conditions suitable for spraying.

For the 2009 season, GreenCast will also include a new Application Zone packed with advice and tips to help achieve more accurate and effective spray application in turf. The Application Zone will provide essential help with setting up and maintaining sprayers, as well as the detailed dynamics and physics of spray application, designed to help operators get the very best possible results.

Introducing the exciting new updates at BTME, Alec Grifiths, Syngenta GreenCast Development Manager, said: "GreenCast now has over 1100 registered users. The forecasts, information and advice are now viewed as an essential part of the daily turf management programme by many turf managers.

"These latest updates and further ongoing developments to build an ever more comprehensive resource for turf managers, and will maintain GreenCast as the UK's most forward looking turf management web site."

For further Press Information please contact:

Simon Elsworth

Syngenta Crop Protection

Tel: 01223 883445

Karen Robets

Syngenta Crop Protection

Tel: 01223 883466

For specialist Syngenta turf management information visit the web site
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