New Syngenta Turf Nozzles get spray application on target

Mark Sandersonin Industry News

harrogate 2010 065.jpgNew Syngenta Turf Nozzles launched at BTME 2010 have been specifically designed to improve the targeting of spray applications in turf and achieve better results for sprayer operators. The nozzles have been introduced as part of the Syngenta Art of Application initiative to help turf managers get the best possible results from their applications.

Drawing on the experience of Syngenta's dedicated Application Specialist, Tom Robinson, Syngenta has initially designed two nozzles - one for foliar applications that will deliver greater leaf coverage yet retain as much spray as possible on the plant, along with a high impact soil nozzle that effectively enhances penetration of the turf and improves the targeting of Heritage and Heritage Maxx sprays for soil borne diseases, such as Take-All and Fairy Ring.

Key benefits of the Syngenta Turf Nozzles include:

• Better targeting of sprays • Faster operation
• Better results • Reduce water volumes
• Reduce risk of drift • Increase spraying opportunities

Syngenta Head of Golf & Landscape, Simon Elsworth, highlights that, whilst conventional flat fan nozzles can achieve a good result under perfect conditions, the new Syngenta Turf Nozzles can deliver more and increase the opportunities to get sprays applied at the optimum timing to get the best possible results.

"Flat fan nozzles produce a wide range of droplet sizes, from small to large. Small droplets lack the velocity to reach the turf surface, and will be lost as spray drift and effectively wasted; in windy conditions the drift will be greatly increased. The large drops, however, will be moving so fast that they literally bounce off the leaf and roll away, especially at higher water volumes. In either case the efficacy of the treatment would be reduced and the risk of environmental loss increased," he said

"The new Syngenta Foliar Turf Nozzle is specifically designed to overcome these problems. It creates an even droplet size that virtually eliminates drift under standard spraying conditions. Furthermore, each droplet contains a built-in 'air bag', which effectively cushions the drop as it hits the leaf, so it spreads and covers the surface without rolling off. It produces around 75% more droplets per ml than a conventional bubble-jet low-drift nozzle."

Syngenta Turf Foliar Nozzle Syngenta Turf Soil Nozzle

Syngenta Turf Foliar Nozzle

Syngenta Turf Soil Nozzle

Syngenta Turf Foliar Nozzle PR.jpg Syngenta Turf Soil Nozzles - PR.jpg

· Droplet spectrum designed to maximise spray retention on the leaf

· Optimum droplet size for leaf coverage - 75% more drops than standard bubble jet

· Excellent drift reduction - gives an average four extra spray days per month

· Designed to work at lower water volume, compared to conventional flat fan nozzles

· Typical water volume giving optimum results - 200 - 250 l/ha

· Retains spray pattern characteristics at faster operating speeds

· High velocity forces spray through turf to reach stem base and soil

· Designed to enhance turf penetration at lower water volume, compared to flat fan nozzles

· Typical water volume giving optimum results - 550 l/ha

· Significantly increase sprayer output per hour

· Spray pattern and velocity minimises risk of drift

· Unique design for turf applications

Recommended for:

All foliar fungicides and Primo Maxx

Recommended for:

Heritage, Heritage Maxx and Headway for Take-all & Fairy Ring control

The Syngenta Turf Foliar Nozzle features a rearward facing spray angle, generated to counter the forward movement of the sprayer and give all better all-round coverage of the leaf surface. The nozzles have also been designed to work at lower water volumes than currently used on most golf courses. Instrata trials by STRI have shown the best disease control using the Foliar Turf Nozzles was achieved with an application rate of 250 l/ha.

harrogate 2010 069.jpgA recent Syngenta survey of turf sprayer operators identified most turf managers are still operating with an average water volume of around 750 l/ha. Reducing the water volume to 250 l/ha means a golf courses with a 300 litre capacity sprayer could treat all their greens with one tank, compared to three fills when spraying at 750 l/ha. "The combination of faster operation and the dramatic reduction in drift can significantly increase spraying opportunities available to turf managers, so they can spray at more convenient times and when the application will give the best results," advises Mr Elsworth.

"STRI trials have shown that applying Heritage Maxx when there has been a period of disease risk, but before there is any visible signs of disease will achieve the best results in maintaining turf quality, with the least number of applications required over the course of the season. The new Syngenta Turf Foliar Nozzle could help ensure that application goes on at the ideal time." Mr Elsworth adds that the Syngenta Turf Foliar Nozzle could enhance performance of all treatments where foliar retention is the target, including fungicides and Primo Maxx growth regulator.

The second new Syngenta Turf Soil Nozzle is designed specifically for soil applications - primarily Heritage, Heritage Maxx and Headway for Take-all and Fairy Ring control. The solid brass construction creates high-energy droplets for enhanced spray penetration and very low risk of drift.

The Syngenta Turf Soil Nozzle is intended to deliver equivalent product through to the soil surface from water volume of 550 l/ha, compared to over 1000 l/ha with conventional nozzles. The result is a significant increase in sprayer output and improved application timing. Surface aeration prior to application and a tank mix with a high quality wetting agent is still advocated to enhance soil uptake.

Both Syngenta Turf Nozzles are manufactured in the UK to fit conventional sprayer bayonet housings and simply replace existing nozzles.

The Syngenta Turf Nozzles are part of the Syngenta Art of Application Kit, which includes a turf dedicated Calibration Checker System, with a graduated cylinder, pre-marked with specified nozzle outputs. Sprayer operators who have pre-calibrated their sprayer can quickly use the cylinder to check nozzle output and confirm sprayer accuracy. Also in the kit are a pair of Syngenta Boom Height Indicators These are easily fitted onto each end of the sprayer boom and cut off as required, to give the operator a constant visual check that the boom is working at the correct height.

The Art of Application is a key component of the Syngenta GreenCast. The advanced local disease forecasting can help turf managers assess the risk of infection and time fungicide applications more effectively.

Additionally, to improve the skills and operation of sprayer operators, GreenCast features a series of training podcasts, an on-line application advice forum, practical sprayer calculators and a series of downloadable spraying record forms.

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For further Press Information please contact:
Dr Simon Watson
Syngenta Golf & Landscape Technical Manager
Tel: 01223 883441
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