Pop Up Power
A recent venue to choose Pop Up Power is Wembley, with a discreet installation in Arena Square which means power is always ready when it's
needed for outdoor events.
Ten of the units have been installed and according to Charlie Shun, Wembley's head of special projects, they provide a unique solution.
He said: "The system is a practical, flexible way to provide electrical power requirements to external open spaces."
Mike Brown of Pop Up Power added: "Our units give you the power when you need it and open space when you don't. The product is literally rising to
the occasion all over the UK as conventional generators and roadside electrical feed pillars begin to disappear in favour of clutter-free public
Products can service temporary markets in public squares, as well as concerts, carol services and other outdoor events. The supply units can be lowered safely and discreetly into the ground when not in use, by means of a number of different lifting mechanisms: handles for manual lifting, or crank handles and gas pistons for assisted and automatic elevation. In flood plain areas they can be quickly removed from their chambers, leaving only a cable connector in place. Unlike conventional generators, Pop Up products operate silently and are accessible 24 hours.
Contact: Michael Brown
Address: PO Box 1447,
United Kingdom
Telephone: 020 8551 8363
Fax: 020 8220 8838
Email: mbrown@popuppower.co.uk
Website: www.popuppower.co.uk/