Question Time as John Moverley, Amenity Forum Chairman, act as ‘David Dimbleby’
John Moverley, Forum Chairman, will act as 'David Dimbleby' and the panel includes Will Kay from Languard, Mark De Ath from Headland Amenity and Stephen Jacob from BASIS Registration.
If previous years are repeated, there will be a full house and a lively debate. There is certainly plenty to discuss this year. It will take place at 2.00pm on the first day of SALTEX, November 2nd.
Also at SALTEX on the morning of the second day, November 3rd, there will be a panel debate on the impact of BREXIT on the sector. John Moverley has been asked to be a member of the panel alongside Will Graves Young IOG Chair, Watford FC, David Cole, Lely Turf care and Keith Christian, BAGMA