Ransomes Jacobsen sign lead partner agreement with Golf Environment Europe

Peter Driverin Industry News
Golf Environment Europe (GEE) and Ransomes Jacobsen, a subsidiary of Textron Inc. (NYSE:TXT), have signed a three-year agreement where the Ipswich-based turf equipment manufacturer becomes a Lead Partner of GEE.

Golf Environment Europe is a pan European initiative working to promote environmental sustainability in golf. Developed from the Committed to Green Foundation's principles, it is supported by a wide range of golfing organisations and is committed to the promotion of environmental responsibility across all areas of the golf industry. (L-R) Jonathan Smith, Chief Executive of GEE and David Withers, Managing Director of Ransomes Jacobsen International

Commenting at the signing of the agreement at a Press Open Day at the Ipswich factory recently, Jonathan Smith, Chief Executive of GEE said,
"We are delighted to have signed this accord with Ransomes Jacobsen, as they are one of the leading turf equipment manufacturers in the industry and have a proven track record of their commitment to environmental issues.

"It's this type of commitment that we need, right across our industry; and this is amply demonstrated by the way they mange and develop their business. They have a portfolio of products that can be run on alternative fuels, they use biodegradable oil in their manufactured products and they have ISO14001, the first company within the turf care industry to be awarded this international standard for environmental management. This represents their ongoing commitment to environmental best practice and responsible management and their green credentials can only be enhanced through the signing of this agreement."

David Withers, Managing Director at Ransomes Jacobsen added, "The signing of this agreement with GEE is more excellent news for our company. We all have a social responsibility and, as Jonathan kindly said, we are committed to environmental best practice and management and are determined to make this agreement a two-way process. We have already demonstrated our support for green issues in golf as sponsors of BIGGA's Golf Environment award and the STRI's Sustainable Golf Course Management DVD.

"With GEE we will be introducing the Ransomes Jacobsen Environmental Innovation and Technology award, which will recognise the achievements of a European golf course which has demonstrated particular innovation on an environmental topic. We will also be working with the STRI to roll out their DVD across Europe."

"As a Lead Partner we can play an active role in supporting the golf sectors' approach to environmental sustainability and help improve the public and political perception of the sport."

Ransomes Jacobsen is a subsidiary of Textron Inc., a $10 billion multi-industry company operating in 33 countries with approximately 37,000 employees. The company leverages its global network of aircraft, industrial and finance businesses to provide customers with innovative solutions and services. Textron is known around the world for its powerful brands such as Bell Helicopter, Cessna Aircraft, Jacobsen, Kautex, Lycoming, E-Z-GO and Greenlee, among others. More information is available at www.textron.com.

Extra Information

Golf Environment Europe is supported by a wide range of golfing organisations, including the European Tour, European Golf Association, Federation of European Golf Greenkeepers Associations, European Institute of Golf Course Architects, Sports Turf Research Institute, the PGAs of Europe, and a number of golf federations. European Golf Course Owners Association and a number of golf federations.

The work of Golf Environment Europe is also supported by the European Commission DG Environment. Regular communication is maintained with WWF Europe and the United Nations Environment Programme and Birdlife International.

GEE is now taking forward a number of initiatives under the Golf Environment Europe Programme, including the re-development and re-launch of the Committed to Green Environmental Management System for golf courses, through which participating golf facilities can achieve public recognition for demonstrating environmental best practice. This programme was developed with the support and active collaboration of the Environment Directorate General of the European Commission.

Golf Environment Europe links with other international golf / environment programmes such as those run by Audubon International, the United States Golf Association, the US Environmental Institute for Golf, the Royal Canadian Golf Federation, the Australian Golf Superintendents Association and numerous other universities and research institutes.
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