Research reveals scotts Heritage fungicide can banish Fairy Ring

Lesley Walkerin Industry News

Research reveals scotts Heritage fungicide can banish Fairy Ring

Research carried out by the STRI on behalf of The Scotts Company has shown encouraging results in controlling Fairy Ring using the Scotts turf fungicide Heritage.

Fairy Ring is a term used to describe a number of turf grass diseases where soil-borne fungi cause certain symptoms to develop on the surface of the sward. These typically manifest themselves as a ring of stimulated grass growth with or without fruiting fungal bodies. The disease has been on the increase over the last few years and is particularly troublesome on golf greens and cricket squares.

Scotts technical product manager Simon Barnaby says: "The aim of the research was to ascertain if Heritage had any effect against these notoriously difficult to control diseases. We knew that Heritage had recommendations in the States for the control of Fairy Ring, but we wanted to find out if it would also control the disease in UK conditions and at the UK label rate.

"The research was very successful," Simon continues. "It showed that one application of Heritage gave some control of Fairy Ring at the current UK label rate, although two applications one month apart gave significantly better results. The effect was enhanced even further when the infected area was aerated prior to application. Heritage was then applied mixed with Scotts' wetting agent.

"This is great news for the turf industry and we are very pleased with the outcome."

In addition to on label approval against Fusarium, Heritage is now the only UK turf fungicide for the control of Take All Patch.


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