Sports surfaces , quantifying their performance requirements.

Press Releasein Training & Education

Sports surfaces , quantifying their performance requirements.

Press release

This article presents the content and outcomes of the 2nd workshop of the SportSURF network, held at Cranfield University on the 26th April 2006.
The workshop was hosted by Dr Iain James from the Cranfield Centre for Sports Surfaces and a core member of the SportSURF research network.

There were approximately 40 delegates with a mixture of academics and practitioners including leading figures from the sports surface industry. The workshop packed in a full day of informative debate. Two keynote presentations were given followed by focused debate in the form of Q & A and discussion forums.

The highlights of the workshop included the two keynote presentations from representatives of FIFA (Dr Eric Harrison) and the ITF (Dr Stuart Miller and Jamie Capel-Davis). After the presentations the delegates were given the opportunity to question the presenters. This was followed by an open session for the attendees to present and discuss current research and the future needs. These sessions stimulated some interesting debate which is presented in detail below.

Copies of the presentations given at this workshop are available for download on our website php.

This was the second in a series of workshops run by the SportSURF network. Details of future events will be posted on the website when they become available. In the summer of 2007 an international symposium will be hosted by SportSURF. If you have any issues you would like to see highlighted at this conference please contact org.

For more information on the SportSURF network, or to become a member, please visit our website or contact the network coordinator Dr Colin Young org.

SportSURF was set up in May 2005. The organisation comprises a core committee from several University establishments who are responsible for carrying out research and development, and SAPCA.

The specific aims and objectives of this new organisation are:

  • To advance the science and understanding of player-surface interactions and innovate the better engineering of surfaces to benefit play and end users health.

  • To create a new interdisciplinary sports surfaces community.

  • To host stimulating meetings/workshops open to all interested parties/stakeholders including a new conference dedicated to this subject area.

  • To transfer ideas, techniques, models and technology between researchers and practitioners. To produce multidisciplinary research proposals.

  • To disseminate network outcomes widely.

Membership of the network is open to any individual or organisation interested in the provision, management, maintenance and effects on the users of the full range sports surfaces, including sports governing bodies.

Initially membership is free and members will be kept informed through its dedicated web site and twice yearly newsletter. The network's objectives will be achieved by a variety of activities. These will include regular focussed workshops, research seminars and project case studies.

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Training & education