Stress relief from the US Open
"Communicate, innovate and forget your ego," that's the anti stress advice from Colin Burns, General Manager of Winged Foot Golf Club host of the U.S. Open.
Colin, who has been running Winged Foot since the late 1990s, will be flying over with his Course Superintendant Matt Burrows to deliver a free Fringe Seminar on behalf of Vitax during Harrogate Week.
Entitled 'Stress Relief on a U.S. Open Course' Colin's seminar will focus on his experiences over the last 18 years as GM at one of the world's premier clubs and preparation for a U.S. Open.
"As Matt (Burrows) will be there I thought I'd also talk about the relationship between the two of us and how we work together," he says.
Free tickets for the seminar are available now from Vitax technical advisers and distributors or on the Vitax stand the first morning of the show. All those attending 'Stress Relief on a U.S. Open Course' will have the opportunity to win £50 worth of BIGGA merchandise by entering their ticket in the Prize Draw, conducted by incoming BIGGA Chairman Peter Todd, on the Vitax stand at 11.30 am on Thursday Jan. 22nd..
'Stress Relief on a U.S. Open Course' is on Tuesday 2oth. Jan. from 12.15 to 12.45pm. in the Queens Suite, and seats will be allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis.
For further information contact your Vitax technical adviser or distributor.