The long and the short of it

It's fitted with a clever, large diameter steel drum rotor with four rows of closely spaced flails, and two rows of draft paddles to create the suction for collecting the grass.
Because the STC does not have the narrow throat you get with many collectors it efficiently collects long or short grass without blocking. Even in wet conditions.
So you can cut a fine finish on short turf and it's also ideal for clearing wild flower areas and golf course rough at the end of the season. But the STC doesn't just sit idle the rest of the time.
It is, in fact, three machines in one and whichever mode it's purchased in, it can be easily changed at a later date to perform a different operation. There is a series of option kits to do just that.
When it reaches that time of the year when you need a machine that will collect autumn leaves, grass clippings and litter, STC180 is readily changed to sweep and collect.
Alternatively you can turn it into a scarifier collector and use it in that mode for scarifying sports turf. The STC is semi-mounted to the tractor but not lifted on the linkage, so it can be operated behind a small tractor with limited lifting capacity.
The machine runs on its own four wheels totally independently from the tractor, and the front wheels are fully castoring.
The two rear wheels have flotation tyres to keep turf compaction to a minimum while a heavy cast gearbox and belt drive transmit power to the rotor.
There you have the long and the short of it, three machines in one make an economical investment in a true, all-year round machine for the maintenance of golf courses, large gardens and amenity turf.