Vitax Amenity’s autumn offer
This summer's warm and wet weather conditions have prompted Vitax Amenity's autumn offer of eight bottles of their Esteem selective weed killer for the price of seven.
Vitax Amenity's Sales and Marketing Manager (fine turf division) Joe Crawley says that the weeds, (which have been a particular problem this year) are still growing, and this season provides the ideal opportunity to tackle pernicious species such as daisies, clover, dandelions, and creeping thistle to clear the way for next spring. .
"The soil is acting like a propagation case in a nursery," he says. "The ground's warmed up and is holding its temperature." Grass and weeds have two main growing seasons but because of the active ingredient clopyralid in Esteem, the herbicide continues to be effective when growth slows down. "Even on chilly nights, the product will 'hibernate' in the plant, ready to act when temperatures rise," Joe confirms.
Vitax Amenity's autumn Esteem Price Buster is available from now until the end of October.
The Vitax range is available to purchase through the Pitchcare Store- See; Vitax Amenity Autumn Esteem Price Buster