Harrod UK Plans Renewable Energy Project
Harrod UK Plans Renewable Energy Project
Press Release
Leading Sports Equipment manufacturer Harrod UK, has announced plans to install an on-site wind turbine as part of a renewable energy project to generate its own electricity.
Harrod UK is proposing the installation of a single 250kW wind turbine on its manufacturing site at Pinbush Road, Lowestoft as part of a long standing company commitment to sustainable development.
The turbine will have an electrical output of 250kW (0.25 megawatts) and the electricity generated will be fed directly into the company's electricity supply, reducing the need for the company to import power from the National Grid and reducing its emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas.
Chris Harrod, Chief Executive of Harrod UK said: "Caring for the environment and the well being of future generations is at the heart of company policy and decision-making."
"Wind turbines provide the most feasible option for establishing an effective renewable energy source on our site and will also reduce energy costs, helping the company maintain its competitive market position and ensuring the long term success of the Lowestoft site."
Harrod UK has made significant efforts to reduce their energy consumption and improve the environment of their site. The installation of the wind turbine will support a number of other energy efficiency projects undertaken in the last two years. These include engineering improvements, the installation of more energy efficient lighting systems, and a feasibility study into the conversion of their gas powder baking ovens to electric.
Chris Harrod said: "The proposed turbine is one of the smallest models currently available, with a total height to the tips of the blades of 48 metres"
"The choice of this type of turbine means that these structures effectively merge within the existing industrial skyline, minimising their visibility from outside the site."
The company will be submitting a planning application to Waveney District Council. It is anticipated that the turbine could be installed by the end of this year or early 2007.
Local residents are being formally notified of the company's plans by letter.
Harrod UK employs over 100 people in the manufacture of sports ground equipment and netting. They are widely recognised as the UK market leaders supplying such prestigious venues as the new Wembley Stadium, Emirates Stadium, Millennium Stadium, and all premier league clubs as well as most colleges, schools and sporting institute throughout the UK. The site also supports a rapidly growing Horticultural division which supplies high quality products for serious gardeners.
The project is being managed for Harrod UK by renewable energy consultancy TNEI Services Ltd.